Spartan Recovery Services believes that the world is a better place when you can share and give back. We also want the feeling of helping others to be woven in our daily operations and respect for others that help our children and community. Instead of sending money directly to charity and non-profits we have decided to give back to those in our community that protect us and save lives as well as those who teach our children to become productive members of our society. This page is dedicated to all the Firefighters, Policeman, Veterans and School teachers that have provided all of us the freedom, protection and education that is a part of the American way!

Spartan Recovery Services provides a minimum 10% discount on any job over $500 as a part of our way of giving back. You can use the savings to send to your favorite cause and charity or you can save it as an appreciation from Spartan to you. The bottom line is that giving back makes us all feel better and builds a relationship between us that will reach further and have an impact on other lives in ways we wouldn’t believe.
Thank you all for your hard work, service, dedication and pride in our community and children.
Please let us know if you are a Veteran, Firefighter, Policeman or School teacher and we will be happy to provide you with your discount code for your invoice that will reflect a 10% discount on any of our services over $500 to honor all of you and the lives you have changed.